Beberapa tips utk clear AppWorld Cache
Gak sengaja nemu link ini, biasa tipikal indonesia, karena kebutuhan baru cari informasi.
terimaksih juga buat temen yang BB nya superlemot, karena memory yang disiapkan untuk aplikasi sudah bablas di install macem-macem. Sudah di unistall, tetapi cache aplikasi nya tidak benar-benar ikut terhapus.
Langsung saja simak ya .
Gak sengaja nemu link ini, biasa tipikal indonesia, karena kebutuhan baru cari informasi.
terimaksih juga buat temen yang BB nya superlemot, karena memory yang disiapkan untuk aplikasi sudah bablas di install macem-macem. Sudah di unistall, tetapi cache aplikasi nya tidak benar-benar ikut terhapus.
Langsung saja simak ya .
Warning: The following procedure will clear any cache data that BlackBerry App World™ stores on the BlackBerry® smartphone and may remove any applications that have been archived to a media card.
For smartphones that use the SureType® input method or are equipped with a QWERTY keyboard:
For BlackBerry App World 2.0 and 2.1:
For BlackBerry App World 2.0 and 2.1:
- Launch the BlackBerry App World application.
- While pressing and holding the ALT key, type RST
For BlackBerry App World 3.0:
- Launch the BlackBerry App World application.
- While pressing and holding the ALT key, type RSTRST
For smartphones that have virtual keyboards such as the BlackBerry® Storm™ Series or BlackBerry Torch 9850/9860, follow these steps:
For BlackBerry App World 2.0 and 2.1:
- Launch the BlackBerry App World application.
- Ensure the smartphone is being held in the landscape position.
- Select the Categories listing.
- Activate the onscreen keyboard by pressing the menu key and select Show Keyboard.
- Press and hold the shift key to lock into shift mode.
- Type the following characters in sequence: 34(
For BlackBerry App World 3.0 on a BlackBerry 9500/9530/9850/9860 smartphone:
- Launch the BlackBerry App World application.
- Ensure the smartphone is being held in the landscape position.
- Activate the onscreen keyboard by pressing the menu key and select Show Keyboard.
- Press and hold the shift key to lock into shift mode.
- Type the following characters in sequence: 34(
For BlackBerry App World 3.0 on a BlackBerry 9520/9550 smartphone:
- Launch the BlackBerry App World application.
- Ensure the smartphone is being held in the portrait position.
- Activate the onscreen keyboard by pressing the menu key and select Show Keyboard.
- Press and hold the shift key(123) to lock into shift mode.
- Type the following characters in sequence: 1?2
BlackBerry App World will close automatically and the smartphone may become unresponsive for a few moments while the cache data is cleared. This process may take several seconds, depending on how much storage space is freed. The next time BlackBerry App World is launched, logging into My World using a BlackBerry ID will result in the applications list being refreshed. This will allow archived applications to be downloaded again, if desired.
For the BlackBerry® PlayBook™ tablet, follow these steps:
- Launch the BlackBerry AppWorld application
- Swipe in from the bottom-left corner of the frame to bring up the keyboard.
- Type rst
Note: BlackBerry App World will not provide any notification that the reset has been performed.
- BlackBerry App World™ storefront
- BlackBerry® Device Software 4.5 to 6.0 (BlackBerry App World 2.0)
- BlackBerry® Device Software 7.0 (BlackBerry App World 3.0)
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